Thursday, October 11, 2007


This cartoon seems to me like a clashing of two different ideals and one can venture to say it represents both the liberals and the republicans. It may also even represent the two sides to America. These would be the liberal sides and the conservative sides. Many aggressive words are on the side of the male farmer. Words such as burn, boycott, and murder, show a very proactive nature. This contrasts to the words on the female like save, and peace. America tends to act both pro actively and reactively in different cases. The pins on the side of the female tend to depict more liberal views. An example of this would be the pin "save the planet." The democrats and liberal Americans tend to care much more about what happens to earth and how resources are managed. Conversely the more conservative Americans and republicans care more about exploiting the land for profit such as drilling for oil on land and in the sea. America has both a pro war and anti war mentality. This is depicted by the woman's pin that says peace is patriotic, while at the same time the man's pin says that freedom isn't free indicating that we must fight in order to protect our freedom. The male tends to represent the more crude Americans as evident by the pin "Burn this Asshole." Also the pin "Boycott France" is another sign of our unwillingness to cooperate with countries. An even bigger example of this is on the pin with the U.N. crossed out. There were times in Bush's career where he actually went against the orders of the U.N. There are also the binaries between the pins. Words that are the exact opposite such as save and burn, and peace and massacre stand out on their respective sides in order to make more of an impact on the meaning of these words. There are so many different ways to interpret this cartoon, just like there are many ways in which the world interprets America. To some we are crude, illiterate, intolerant, violent bullies, who want nothing more than to coerce cooperation from powerless countries, and who will exploit and attack anything or anyone when it is to are advantage. To others we are the peacemakers and police of the world, the country of freedom and opportunity, intelligent and caring a country who is friend to all and will help those in need.

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